

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." Colossians 3:1-4

This verse became more relevant to our family this week. My beloved father-in-law, Verlon, was called home to Jesus on Wednesday. The day he lived for arrived, and he stepped into Glory in one breath and blink of an eye. My husband, along with is mom and brother, were able to be by his side as he quietly entered into the Kingdom.

It has been difficult to put the events of this past week into words. There have been so many emotions. My six children were extremely close to their Pawpaw. Having to tell each of them what was about to happen was by far the most difficult task I have had to face as their mom. Seeing my grown children in pain still rips this momma's heart. Knowing that I can't take the pain away, but it is part of this world we live in.

But, Jesus.

Their Pawpaw was a great man of faith. He didn't preach the Gospel, he lived it. My youngest said it best, he was an accurate depiction of what a Christ follower should look like. He never met a stranger, and was one of the kindest men I knew. He would go out of his way to help those in need, and it was usually done quietly, when no one else knew. My husband has received countless messages from friends and acquaintances of stories about the generosity and kindness of my father-in-law. How he had blessed them when they needed it. He definitely was a willing vessel of Christ.

 I am forever grateful that he was part of my children's lives. He is part of the reason my Michael is the man, father and husband he is today. My husband has been such a rock this week in the midst of his pain. Loving his mom and children through these rough waters. 

My fondest memory of Verlon was when Michael and I were going through the darkest time in our marriage. I went to my in-laws house to pick up Devyn and Daulton. I was anxious because of the issues Michael and I were having, which were of my own making. I didn't know what to expect when I got there. When I arrived, Verlon answered the door. As I walked in, he gave me the biggest hug. He didn't say anything, just a hug. It was exactly what I needed.

 Verlon loved his family and others well. 

My children have had a difficult week, but nothing they can't get through. These are the trials that Peter speaks of in 1 Peter 1. These are the trials that solidify our faith and grow it. We have a hope that is greater than anything the world can offer. They are all believers, and had a grandfather that set that example to them. 

When we got home from spending time with their grandmother Wednesday, they all started to share stories about their Pawpaw. It warmed my heart to hear them laugh. We were going through pictures and sharing memories. He left them with so many. 

While he was a simple man, he also left them his legacy.  Bill High said it best, "A legacy focuses on what will endure. it is about passing things of lasting value that will live on after us. Legacy involves being intentional and aiming to build the next generation." All the riches of the world could not buy what he has passed on to them. My children all gathered together this week to support their dad, grandma and each other. To share love and serve each other. Colby told me he didn't realize how strong our family was. I am glad he realized it. They are strong because they had a pretty strong man of faith as their patriarch, and they can take his example and grow from it. 

Proverbs 13:22 says A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. This isn't about wealth, but about the things that matter in this life. 

We are all one breath away from stepping into the presence of Jesus. Heaven just got a little bit closer this week. I pray that my children will see this life with a new perspective as they navigate the heartache. They are truly laying up treasures in heaven. 


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