The LORD is with you, mighty warrior

I love the Old Testament. There are so many great lessons to be learned. Don't get me wrong, the New Testament is wonderful, but there is something that I enjoy about the old. I know the entire Bible leads right back to Jesus. One of my favorite stories from the Old Testament is the story of Gideon. The Israelites had been invaded by the Midianites and Amalekites for a while, due to their evil in the sight of the Lord. For seven years this went on, and seemed to have lost hope. They had to hide in mountain clefts and hide food. They finally cried out to the Lord for help. The Angel of the Lord came to Gideon and told him "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior" Gideon could not understand this since his tribe was the least and he was the smallest in his tribe. But the Lord equipped him and told him that he would be with him, not to be afraid. Gideon defeated the Midianites and the Amalekites with a small army, with the Lords help.

God can equip any of us. We have to be obedient. There is no telling what He can do through us if we just allow Him. Judges 6:12 I have adopted as one of our family verses. "The Lord is with you mighty warrior." My boys have grown up playing baseball at our local park. Our mascot is a Warrior. To me a warrior is someone that knows defeats and victories. They have the scars to prove their fight. I have read them to story of Gideon. My oldest use to write Judges 6:12 in the bill of his hat. Yes the verse doesn't literally mean our Acworth Warriors, but it reminds my boys that no matter what they do the Lord is with them. What ever battle they are fighting, a spiritual, physical or even just a competitive baseball game. He will equip and we need to acknowledge where our talent and ability comes from and give Him all the glory, no matter what we do.

The Victory has already been won.



  1. Hi Sherly,

    Thank you so much, this is terribl, i haven't logged in in almost a year! I just saw this. I will check your blogs out, I appreciate it


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