Happy Birthday, Darlin'

In May of 2006 we sold our first home. We were in dire need of a larger one since we had 5 children. The last week of May we were in the process of moving our belongings into storage and getting ready to remodel the home we were purchasing, when out of the clear blue-- the line appeared! I remember taking Michael breakfast that Monday morning after I had taken the kids to school and taking the test. He came out to the van and said " What's wrong", I looked at him and said, " I took a pregnancy test".. He just smiled and said "well you must be pregnant since you are telling me that you took the test" but then he said the sweetest thing that made all the difference. 'Honey, we have never been more prepared in our whole lives. It will be fine. God will take care of us." Michael has a great since of humor, he claims it is peeing on the stick that gets you pregnant! (lol) But, talk about stress, we were moving in with my husbands parents for four months with our five children and one restroom to share. We did not tell anyone for three months, you know it just didn't look good at first-homeless with five children and pregnant!! Almost sounds like a welfare case. We eventually were able to move into our newly renovated home, plenty of room- 5 bedrooms, 3 baths and on January 23, 2007, Addison Lilleigh blessed us with her presence.
"A 'lil hill" has been a handful ever since. My new slogan of "mom wisdom" is....God gave me 5 children just to prepare for Addison. So today my baby is 2. She is my milkshake on the side of my burger and fries, a wonderful treat and filling. She is a ray of sunshine on my gloomy days. Always curious, never a dull moment, and extremely smart. She can carry on a conversation and is definitely a product of her enviorment. She has added a new word to her vocabulary, she picked up from her grandmother, it is so precious and sweet to hear her say it...darlin'.

So here is a Happy Birthday to my Darlin', thank you for filling my quiver.

Psalm 127:3-5
"Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate."



  1. Attitude is everything. You and Michael have such a wonderful outlook on life, it has made all the difference in your happiness. Of course, trusting God to pull you through the hard patches is always the best plan. Your Aunt, Pam Cain

  2. Paige,

    I have told you a few times and will tell you again, how much I admire you, your strength and how good of a mom you are. I am truly blessed to call you friend. I love that our "big" baby girls are still friends after all these years, and I hope their friendship will continue to grow and blossom with their age and life. Now that Emma and Addison are here, and sound to be very much alike in personality, maybe this will be another life long friendship for them. I thank you so much for bringing us to Calvary and bringing me/us back to the Lord. I never thought we would find a church that we would love so much as we do Calvary. I want and will become more active in the church as they year progresses and hope you will help me and guide me where you think I will be the best of help. Anyway, I am excited you have a blog, it's something I have thought of.

    See you soon
    Julie Chism

    PS: I am your first "follower" hahaha :)


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