
This week has been very challenging, and it is not even over yet! My middle four started back to school on Monday, today Devyn starts college and Friday Addie starts pre-k. I have done good so far to keep my emotions in check. Today and Friday will be the hardest, I am getting old.

Today, at 2:00 college official begins for Devyn, I am so excited for her! I did not experience the college life, I am thrilled that she is, and guess what , the whole semester is paid for! She got HOPE and the Pell grant, all she has to pay is about $200 in books, not to shabby :)

Last night in my quiet time I could not stop thinking about my oldest. I grew up with her, she has helped shape who I am. This is my tribute to her:

What I See

   When I look at you, 
  I see a fragile infant that made a dramatic debut, a fighter, who beat the odds.
  I see a sassy toddler who had a question and answer for everything. Who loved
  to learn and experience the world.
  I see a determined five year old, ready for school, not looking back when she
  stepped on the bus for the first day. Who also professed her faith and without  
  a shadow of a doubt knew she needed to be saved. 
  I see a bright first grader who made TARGET, one of only three children in the 
  school for the first grade class.
  I see an eight year old running crazy fevers that had all of  her doctors 
  confused, especially when she didn't flinch or cry having a spinal tap.
  I see a strong willed pre-teen who was set out to start a Christian club at the 
  new middle school since one had  not been established, knowing the 
  importance of sharing Christ. 
  I see an excited teenager ready for the magnet program and all the challenges 
  of high school. Meeting her goals and graduating with honors.
  Today I see, 
  A confident young woman who trust her Lord to take her hand and guide her as       
  she sets out on this next journey.
  Today is the day you have been waiting for. God is going to do amazing things
 among you, for He knows the plans that He has for you.
                                                                                            Embrace it.
    Joshua 3:5; Jeremiah 29:11                                                           -ph

I have had the privilege to be the mother of six of the most amazing kids in the world. They are my life. 

Today is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it !



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