Take it - Easy

 "Take it easy.." the chipper college age cashier said as he handed me the receipt at Ingles. I smiled back and left the store with that in mind. I have not heard that phrase in a while and I wondered if his parents raised him listening to the Eagles. It brought a smile to my face and made me want to adopt that phrase to everyone I see. Hey, take it easy!

Life isn't easy, is it? Every day has a new challenge along with what has lingered from the day or even the month before. It is not easy raising children, especially in this society. It is not easy running a small business or getting up for work each day to pay the bills so we can have a decent quality of life. It is not easy to go to school to better our education. It is not easy managing a health crisis or the uncertainty of relationships that seem so fragile. It certainly is not easy to lose weight or kick an addiction habit. Life is just not easy. 

We think of our English definition of Easy: causing or involving little difficulty or discomfort, or requiring or indicating little effort, thought or reflection. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

Michael has a saying " If it was easy, everyone would be doing it." Life is difficult and working at something that will be worth it is challenging.

 But, can life be challenging and easy? I think it can.

I am gently reminded of Jesus' words in Matthew 11:28-30. " Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

The word for Easy in Greek in this passage is  (χρηστὸς) chrestos: serviceable, good.

That gives us a whole new perspective of Easy, right?

Jesus is asking us to surrender to him. His yoke is a service to you. Life is going to be difficult, but yoking our walk with him will relieve the burden of it. He wants us to find rest that only he can give. Surrendering to him is actually the most difficult part because it is not just a one time thing. I have to do it daily, if not, I get weary and want to quit. But once I have taken on him, it is easy to go to him when my soul is tired of life. I am not saying life is going to be smooth sailing once you surrender, I am saying that he wants to you come to him with every burden and rest in the fact that He loves you and will loosen the load on your soul. He is good.

So if I say "Take it easy" when I pass you by, please know this is what I mean :) 


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