
We have been "iced in" for four days. I should have been working on my blog. I am finally taking a break from laundry and reality television to do so!

I am not a real fan of the month of January. I am usually broke, it is freezing, and I have lost three precious people in the month of January. I really don't want all of my post to be about death, it seems like the last couple have been, but I am paying tribute to three special people that the Lord allowed for me to have in my life and have left lasting impressions.

Today is January 13th. One year ago one of my best friends past away due to pancreatic cancer. He died 7 weeks after he found out. Randy was a great father, coach, and friend. I miss hearing him chuckle. He was great. The way we lost him has had an impact on me. Now that I am in my 30's I tend to look at life and the value of it a lot more differently than I did in my 20's and teens.

Randy you are in our thoughts daily!

This past Sunday was January 9th. It was exactly seventeen years to the day that I last saw my Paw Paw Smitty alive. He was so special to me. This was my first time losing someone in my life so quickly. My other grandfather died two years before but we had time to say goodbye. It was not the case with my Paw paw. He woke up on January 16th not feeling good. His legs were hurting so bad. Granny said that his chest was just so red when he got out of the shower. They drove to the ER to see why he was hurting so bad. About 5 minutes after my Paw Paw walked into the room he was assigned he laid down on the bed and died. He had an aortic aneurysm. I didn't get to say good bye. I loved him so much. I was 18 when he died. He was so crazy about Devyn. My Paw Paw was an icon of love to me. His real name is Elvis Clinton Smith. Mom says that when she was little and Elvis concerts were aired he would say "look my name is in lights!". Every time I think of him I am reminded of the song by Randy Travis, "He Walked on Water". I can still see him smile and hear his laugh. I remember when I was younger he smoked Camel non filtered cigarettes. I would spend the summers with my grandparents since mom worked. He would smoke and it would always trail towards me. One day when I was fanning my face he said, " smoke always follows pretty girls". I love him dearly. I have missed him so much, I wish he could see my other 5 children, I can see his smile now. My grandmother was devastated when he died. She has never been the same. My Paw Paw was Awesome, there will never be another man like him. 

My Paw Paw and Granny Smith, two of the most precious people in the world.

Next Wednesday, January 20th,  will be fifteen years ago that we lost Mike's brother Ricky. Rick was another precious person. Watching my husband lose his brother was another one of hardest things that I have experienced. Rick had a liver disease that they could not cure, when they found out he had it they gave him 6 months. Daulton was just a baby. Ricky was crazy about Devyn. He called her his little girl. Rick was the life of the party, when he walked into the room everyone knew he was there. He was so much fun and could make anyone laugh. He would come up from Atlanta and take Mike's mom out to lunch or shopping. He was crazy about his mom and family. We did get to say goodbye. The entire experience will always have an impact on me. He was 30 when he died. He has also been missed greatly.

Ricky & Devyn 1993

Ricky was buried on Tuesday, January 23, 1996. 

Losing Rick was a hard time in our marriage. The Lord brought us through. Mike and I have been married for 18 years. Losing these three precious people in our lives has forever changed us. The Lord always has a way of bringing things full circle. The above is the reason that I do not like January, have you ever heard the term God gives us roses in December? Well God gave me a Sunflower in January, she is the only reason why I like January:

Addison Lilleigh Hill

was born on Tuesday January 23, 2007

My baby girl was born 11 years to day that we buried Ricky. She has brought sunlight and warmth to the month of January. She turns 4 in ten days. She is such a joy to me and this family. God is Awesome!

 She is truly a Mommy's girl. She flutters around the house dancing and singing. She has such a vivid imagination and is so smart! She is a product of her environment. A Sunflower in January.

-"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever." Psalms 30:11-12



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