Happy Birthday, Darlin'
In May of 2006 we sold our first home. We were in dire need of a larger one since we had 5 children. The last week of May we were in the process of moving our belongings into storage and getting ready to remodel the home we were purchasing, when out of the clear blue-- the line appeared! I remember taking Michael breakfast that Monday morning after I had taken the kids to school and taking the test. He came out to the van and said " What's wrong", I looked at him and said, " I took a pregnancy test".. He just smiled and said "well you must be pregnant since you are telling me that you took the test" but then he said the sweetest thing that made all the difference. 'Honey, we have never been more prepared in our whole lives. It will be fine. God will take care of us." Michael has a great since of humor, he claims it is peeing on the stick that gets you pregnant! (lol) But, talk about stress, we were moving in with my husbands parents for four ...
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