
Gracie is my second daughter, my fourth born. She was a complete surprise! I found out that I was pregnant right before Christmas of 2000. I will never forget. Mike had tried to live his glory days of football and play a game of tackle with no pads with a bunch of guys 10 year younger than him ( of course he was on 28 at the time) Him and some buddies were going to show up these younger friends of his. Long story short, we ended up going to the emergency room because Mike dislocated  his shoulder, another friend of his messed his knee up pretty bad. He hasn't done that again. Any way we are sitting in the ER and I kept telling him that I thought I was pregnant, so I didn't go with him for the x-rays. Later that week I took a test and it was positive. I was so excited. I wanted four, and I really was hoping this was going to  be a girl so Devyn would have a sister because I never had one.

Gracen Baileigh Hill was born on Wednesday August 22, 2001. She was 8 lbs 5oz and 18 inches long. She was short and chubby, and by the time we left the hospital she as just gorgeous. I loved the name Gracie. I first heard it from George Burns' wife Gracie. I had read his biography when I was a teenager about their life together and he had such an undying love for her. I could not find an middle name that I liked to go with Gracie. One day I was watching Entertainment Tonight and they were showing this super model and her last name was Grayson. She was such a pretty girl and her last name was  perfect, but I didn't like the way it was spelled. So I chose Gracen Baileigh, Yes all of my girls middle names have "leigh" at the end of them. I had to have pattern. Any way I loved the name and I could still call her Gracie! My main reason to have my grace is because God gives us grace freely, we don't ask for it. He gives it to us daily. I didn't ask for her, he just blessed me with her and I wanted to give her that name since she was such a blessing! There is a gospel song that I use to sing to her as an infant, the first lines were "there is no other word for grace but amazing, no other explanation will do, unmerited favor, the song that I sing, no other word for grace, but amazing"

Gracie is my sweet girl, a little emotional but my sweet one. I keep on telling her she is going to grow up to be a nurse, she is always trying to help people or please. She is great kid. She is quiet but so funny. She really hasn't found an activity like the boys to stick with. She loves to draw and write. I wish I could find some art classes for her, I think she would enjoy them.

G-baby, thank you for being such a good kid. I am so thankful that the Lord "graced" our family with you!

love, mom


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