
My Baby Boy is Colby. He was also a BIG surprise. He is #5. When I found out I was pregnant Michael said, well the Bible says "Happy is man whose quiver is full, and I have always heard a quiver is full when you have five." Colby Michael was born on Tuesday, August 24, 2004. Michael named him Colby, his middle name was a debate. I wanted at least one of my children to have the name Michael since it is his first name and it is my favorite boys name. But Mike didn't want a junior or for them to be called "little Mike". We almost named him Colby Thomas, but it sounded formal, and formal we aren't. Michael said he didn't think it would be fair to Brady if Colby was named after him and Daulton had his middle name. Then I convinced him and made him realize that Brady was named after his brother, Ricky who was dearly loved. Since Michael was the third boy it only made since that our third boy had his name.

Colby is my sweetheart. He tells me at least 10 times a day that he loves me. I can't tell you how many times he hugs and kisses me during the day. He will even give me a kiss on the lips in front of his friends!! Daulton would not even dare give me hug in front of his friends and it is very rare that he hugs me at home. He is so precious, but he is a time bomb. When Colby gets mad he gets mad. He broke our 42" LCD Flat screen TV when he was two. We had only it about three months, he got mad at Brady and  threw a remote at him, Brady ducked and it hit the TV. We didn't realize it was broke until we turned it on!  Talk about making your stomach ache!!! That did. It would be nice if he turned out to be a professional athlete and we could tell this story on him!

Colby is another one of my baseball players. He loves it! He is a lefty and he can switch hit at the age of 5!! We signed him up for football this year, he hated it. They made him run like crazy, we normally don't let our kids quit a sport, but this one we did. He cried everyday before practice, during practice and after practice. We bribed him. Nothing worked. Finally Mike said, " Paige, there are going to be a lot of things in life that we can't bail him out of, but this we can, he is only 5, he is still a baby." So we let him quit. That was the happiest kid when we told him he didn't have to play football (but we did make him play baseball this fall which he loves!!)  Another thing that we factored in was that he also started Kindergarten. It was a big change for him. He was still four when school started. It was just so much at one time and he is still our baby!

Colby my sweetie, please stay sweet, you will always be my baby boy.

Love Mom


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