
Brady-Kyle is my second son, third born.  He is also my most challenging. I quit working when Daulton was 2 to stay at home. I wanted another baby so bad. We tried for seven months. I got pregnant in September and quickly had a miscarriage after. Mike and I were both saddened and he didn't want anymore children. I prayed and prayed. But it wasn't until Mike and I both prayed and our hearts were right that God blessed it. His full name is Brady-Kyle Ricky Hill. We let Devyn and Daulton name him. Brady was Devyn's choice, we got the name from the Orioles first baseman Brady Anderson. Kyle was Daulton's choice, he got it from watching Barney :) and Ricky, that was our choice. Ricky was Mike's big brother that had died two years earlier. We loved him so much. Ricky was also born in July. Before I had Brady we had gone to visit Mike's grandmother and she said that Mike's dad had menioned that he wished we would name the baby after Ricky. Well we figured "why not" he is our son and we can name him what ever we want. So on Tuesday, July 27, 1999, Brady-Kyle Ricky Hill blesssed our lives. He was 12 days early. He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz. He was beautiful! Brady was the prettiest baby, sorry but I think he was :)

Brady has always had a tender heart. He loves to play sports, he gives it 110%. He has a lot of heart. Here lately he is going through some growing pains. He is in the 5th grade and he is just growing up. He  has  the typical middle child syndrome. He is still a great kid. He is smart and funny. He is my one that will not take anything off of anyone. He holds his own.

This year on his birthday we were in Southhaven Mississippi for the 9 year old Dizzy Dean world series.  He made the 9 year old all star team at Acworth and couldn't wait for Mississippi. You see when Brady was little and Daulton played allstars Brady turned 4 and 5 in Southhaven because we were there for Daulton's world series during the same time. So he had great memories of beinig in Mississippi. He had a blast, even though they didn't win, it was all about spending time with his friends.

Brady is such a blessing to me. He is a sweet child. Brady, if you are reading this I want you to know that I love you dearly and I am so glad that the Lord answered my prayers!

Love Mom :)


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