Be still and Know that I am GOD...

Today is the final day of 2013.

What a year it has been!! Every holiday I reflect on the years past and think about the years to come. How our lives can change dramatically in a second. This year was an adventure, and 2014 looks to be a continuation of it. If you read my blog on occasion then you know most of the highs and lows of this year.

I get caught up in the business of life, I tend to get rebellious, and say words that I shouldn't. That is what happens when we allow the flesh to take over, but it does not change my Love for my Savior. His forgiveness makes me want to love Him more and repent and not do those things that I am in habit of doing. He wants me to put life in perspective. He has taught me so much this year. This has been a year of major changes in our family's life. So many more are coming. At first I was sad, my heart ached. Then the Lord reminded me that life is not about everything staying the same. As much as I want all my little birds in the nest, some of them are ready to fly and make nest of their own. It is in change that we grow. It is in the change of life that we grow closer with the Lord. I have had to trust Him more than ever this year and he has revealed himself in more ways than one. I am overwhelmed by His blessings this year. I am grateful for everyone of them. 

This was a great year for the Hill clan. My youngest three made their profession of Faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and were baptized. Gracie in the fall and Colby and Addison on the 22nd of December. All of my children are saved. That doesn't mean that they won't have challenges. The Christian walk is about having a relationship with Christ and having him to help you through this life until we are called home. My soul is at peace knowing all of my children have professed the Lord. 

Daulton graduated high school this year, and he missed receiving honors by 1/10th of a point! But he did receive a full scholarship to play baseball at a junior college. He will be going back on January 6th to start training for the Spring season. I am so excited for him and for what is in store for him. I am more excited that the Lord spared his life from that horrible wreck in my previous post. Daulton is still struggling, he won't talk about it. He knows as well as I do, that God has a mighty work for him to do here. There is no other explanation. He walked away from that accident with three stitches in his elbow. He is a walking miracle, but it is a lot to soak in. Please pray for Daulton, as he seeks the Lord and what his mission is.

Brady started high school and played freshmen football for North Cobb. I admire is drive and determination. He is growing! His new pants are too short! Please pray for him as well. He has such a tender heart for the Lord, but he is also very high strung. Which is not a bad thing if it is used to honor the Lord. 

Last but certainly not the least of the Hill's blessings this year is Devyn. Has she had an amazing year. She took an a huge task with her sorority when the vice president of community service had to give it up and the beginning of the year. The title was given to her. The task she had was to plan their Shamrock event which is their yearly philanthropy fundraiser for Prevent Child abuse America. She had two months to pull it off. I can tell you she was extremely stressed, but she did it! She along with the committee under her organized the first 5K put on by students at KSU. She had everything from shirts, goody bags, timers, and sponsors. It ended up raining out, BUT... since it was for a charity they were able to keep all of the funds raised which was over $10,000 for their philanthropy! Her sorority ended up winning an award from the College Panhellenic council for the most money raised by a KSU greek Life.

While I am NOT a fan of the whole "greek life", I was proud of her for taking on such a huge task and accomplishing it. Devyn has always met every challenge that she has faced ready for the battle, and she has come out a winner every time. With that being said, we visited her Pediatric Neurosurgeon for the last time three weeks ago. This was bittersweet. Nearly 21 years ago I was a scared 18 year old mother not knowing what was going to happen with my girl and the Lord used this mans skills to save my baby and give her the opportunity to live her life to honor Him. Dr. Boydston is an incredible surgeon at Scottish Rite, and I will always be grateful to the man that saved my baby.

The biggest blessing that the Lord has poured onto her this year is her Fiance', Joel. I can not begin to express to ya'll how thrilled our family is to welcome him as part of ours. Ever since Devyn was little, Mike and I have prayed over her and whomever the Lord had as her soul mate. Now that the Lord has revealed who he is, I am really a loss for words. I can tell you that he is everything we have prayed over for our daughter, and more. When she first started falling for this young man, I could tell. I finally asked her one day, "You are falling in love with that boy, aren't you?" and with a HUGE smile on her face, she said yes. Of course as a mom I started praying. Lord, if this is of you please bless them. If not please end it, because I can't stand to see her hurt. The Lord would confirm the fleeces I threw and he gave me several scriptures. 

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32

He would give me these in several ways. I felt like He was telling me, "Momma I got this, I love your daughter more than you do, and I am going to pour my blessings out on her."

I have watched this precious relationship, that I do believe honors God, grow. On December 22, Joel asked her to marry him. I am adding a boy to my clan.

So our next adventure is planning a WEDDING!!! Please pray that we don't kill each other before its over with, I am just kidding. I have watched to many of those bride shows on TLC. I do ask that you pray for the two of them. She will be moving to Fort Hood Texas. I will miss her, but I know that the Lord is with her and will watch over the two of them. He does has plans for them. When I think about my daughter getting married I can't help but to think of this line from one of my favorite movies 

The Lord has been so good to us this year. His protection and love has been made real. That has been one of my prayers over my kids is that he would reveal himself to them. For HIM to become real in their lives. Little did I know how he would reveal his self. The scripture as my title has been what he keeps revealing to me." Be Still, know that I am GOD". 
He has this crazy life of mine in His hands, He that is living in me is greater than he that lives in this world.

I pray that 2014 is even better than 2013. I pray that my walk with the Lord will grow stronger. I pray that the Lord will bless you as well. 

Psalm 67:1-2
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.



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