
Showing posts from December, 2009

Heavy Heart

Growing up I never really had a best friend. I had several friends, some were closer than others. The same is true as an adult. I have one friend that has been like family. Our boys have played ball together for ten years. We have spent four vacations together with our boys playing ball. Anywhere from Southhaven Mississippi, Destin Florida and Cooperstown New York. He has spent Thanksgiving with us and our boys still get together for their birthdays. We found out last week he has pancreatic cancer. It has spread to his liver. This is one of the hardest things I have had to deal with. I lost my Papa when I was 17. My PawPaw died when I was 19 and Michael's brother died when I was 20. We then lost Mike's grandparents about 8 years ago. This is a little different. This is someone that I have been close to. I guess now that I am in my 30s I value life more.  I can't imagine my friend not being there, to call when ever I feel like it, to vent or to laugh.  I know my God is bigge...


I finally got my post finished about my kids. I am truly blessed, beyond measure. I am so tired with trying to juggle work, the house, the children and all of the activities they are involved in, but when I lay my head down every night I am so thankful. Each child is like a different ingredient in a recipe. Some add sugar, salt, spice, and when you mix us all up we make one great family. "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart" Proverbs 15:30


My Baby Boy is Colby. He was also a BIG surprise. He is #5. When I found out I was pregnant Michael said, well the Bible says "Happy is man whose quiver is full, and I have always heard a quiver is full when you have five." Colby Michael was born on Tuesday, August 24, 2004. Michael named him Colby, his middle name was a debate. I wanted at least one of my children to have the name Michael since it is his first name and it is my favorite boys name. But Mike didn't want a junior or for them to be called "little Mike". We almost named him Colby Thomas, but it sounded formal, and formal we aren't. Michael said he didn't think it would be fair to Brady if Colby was named after him and Daulton had his middle name. Then I convinced him and made him realize that Brady was named after his brother, Ricky who was dearly loved. Since Michael was the third boy it only made since that our third boy had his name. Colby is my sweetheart. He tells me at least 10 times...


Can  you tell by some of my post that I have got to have some form of Attention Deficit Disorder? I just jump around all over the place!!  I must just have a lot on my mind. My brain is thinking faster than I can type :)


Gracie is my second daughter, my fourth born. She was a complete surprise! I found out that I was pregnant right before Christmas of 2000. I will never forget. Mike had tried to live his glory days of football and play a game of tackle with no pads with a bunch of guys 10 year younger than him ( of course he was on 28 at the time) Him and some buddies were going to show up these younger friends of his. Long story short, we ended up going to the emergency room because Mike dislocated  his shoulder, another friend of his messed his knee up pretty bad. He hasn't done that again. Any way we are sitting in the ER and I kept telling him that I thought I was pregnant, so I didn't go with him for the x-rays. Later that week I took a test and it was positive. I was so excited. I wanted four, and I really was hoping this was going to  be a girl so Devyn would have a sister because I never had one. Gracen Baileigh Hill was born on Wednesday August 22, 2001. She was 8 lbs 5oz and 18 inc...


Brady-Kyle is my second son, third born.  He is also my most challenging. I quit working when Daulton was 2 to stay at home. I wanted another baby so bad. We tried for seven months. I got pregnant in September and quickly had a miscarriage after. Mike and I were both saddened and he didn't want anymore children. I prayed and prayed. But it wasn't until Mike and I both prayed and our hearts were right that God blessed it. His full name is Brady-Kyle Ricky Hill. We let Devyn and Daulton name him. Brady was Devyn's choice, we got the name from the Orioles first baseman Brady Anderson. Kyle was Daulton's choice, he got it from watching Barney :) and Ricky, that was our choice. Ricky was Mike's big brother that had died two years earlier. We loved him so much. Ricky was also born in July. Before I had Brady we had gone to visit Mike's grandmother and she said that Mike's dad had menioned that he wished we would name the baby after Ricky. Well we figured "why...