Heavy Heart
Growing up I never really had a best friend. I had several friends, some were closer than others. The same is true as an adult. I have one friend that has been like family. Our boys have played ball together for ten years. We have spent four vacations together with our boys playing ball. Anywhere from Southhaven Mississippi, Destin Florida and Cooperstown New York. He has spent Thanksgiving with us and our boys still get together for their birthdays. We found out last week he has pancreatic cancer. It has spread to his liver. This is one of the hardest things I have had to deal with. I lost my Papa when I was 17. My PawPaw died when I was 19 and Michael's brother died when I was 20. We then lost Mike's grandparents about 8 years ago. This is a little different. This is someone that I have been close to. I guess now that I am in my 30s I value life more. I can't imagine my friend not being there, to call when ever I feel like it, to vent or to laugh. I know my God is bigge...