
Take it - Easy

 "Take it easy.." the chipper college age cashier said as he handed me the receipt at Ingles. I smiled back and left the store with that in mind. I have not heard that phrase in a while and I wondered if his parents raised him listening to the Eagles. It brought a smile to my face and made me want to adopt that phrase to everyone I see. Hey, take it easy! Life isn't easy, is it? Every day has a new challenge along with what has lingered from the day or even the month before. It is not easy raising children, especially in this society. It is not easy running a small business or getting up for work each day to pay the bills so we can have a decent quality of life. It is not easy to go to school to better our education. It is not easy managing a health crisis or the uncertainty of relationships that seem so fragile. It certainly is not easy to lose weight or kick an addiction habit. Life is just not easy.  We think of our English definition of Easy: causing or involving litt...


  "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.   Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.   For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.   When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." Colossians 3:1-4 This verse became more relevant to our family this week. My beloved father-in-law, Verlon, was called home to Jesus on Wednesday. The day he lived for arrived, and he stepped into Glory in one breath and blink of an eye. My husband, along with is mom and brother, were able to be by his side as he quietly entered into the Kingdom. It has been difficult to put the events of this past week into words. There have been so many emotions. My six children were extremely close to their Pawpaw. Having to tell each of them what was about to happen was by far the most difficult ta...


I could not think of another title for my post today other than BLESSED.  Here is the definition, I have highlighted what is relevant for me today: Definition of blessed (from Merriam-Webster)                                                      1 religion a : held in reverence : venerated   the blessed saints b : honored in worship : hallowed   the blessed Trinity c : beatific   a blessed visitation     2 : of or enjoying happiness ; specifically ,  Christianity ...

Out of Focus

I sat in the Women’s Center lobby patiently waiting to get called back by the technician for test results. The past two weeks had been very stressful. I had just turned 40 the week before. Earlier this week I had to see my doctor for a yearly visit which resulted in my first routine mammogram. The results were back within 24 hours. He called me himself to let me know I needed further testing as soon as possible. This was not what I wanted to hear. It was bad enough that I had just turned 40, a life event which I had fought for the past year. I held onto my 30’s with white knuckled fist. I was just not ready to grow old. Forty means so many changes, children growing up and moving on, our parents growing older, things that I am just not ready for. Now my health was in question. The two days that followed my doctor’s phone call I spent in prayer. I would have my quiet time, but I was in a constant awareness of my mortality. I tried to be brave, I was scared. I was not prepared for ...

Take a Deep Breath...

Just do it Inhale Exhale How does that feel?  Now do it again. Inhale. Exhale. Isn’t that amazing?  The past couple of months I have been doing a lot of soul searching. Praying. Deepening my walk with my Savior. What I am learning is this life is anything but ordinary. We get caught up in the daily activities and we do not even realize what is right in front of us. We are meant for so much more than the rush we have in our lives. Our purpose in this life is to point toward the Father. We live in a crumbling world, but He has overcome the world. The more I study and pay attention, the more I see how BIG our God is. This scripture jumped off the page at me: “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of  life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 It gives me chills. Imagine the God of the universe, the God that created all of nature, planets, the moon sun and the stars, spoke and ...

The Change Up

This summer I devoted my mornings to Beth Moore’s “Children of the Day” in depth Bible Study. It was wonderful. The Lord has given her such a gift of delivering His message. I also asked Him to allow me to see others as He does. The souls that He loves. I found myself with an aching heart. Life has been routine. Waking up, getting ready for work and the kids for school, coming home, rushing to get dinner done or kids to their sporting events, rushing home, showers, bedtime devotionals and prayers, and we dive into bed anticipating a good night’s rest only to start again in about 8 hours. Here we are going about our routine, swinging away at life. We are not created for this. God wants so much more for us. Yet, things are very different than what they were a year ago. We just passed the one year anniversary of Daulton’s wreck. I am still learning truths from the Lord. What friends, family and even myself did not realize, is that it had more of an impact on Daulton than we k...

Needle and Thread

If anyone knows me well, they would know that I love quilts. I love the possibility of making something out of materials that I have chosen and seeing it come together. This love was instilled on me by both of my grandmothers. My Granny Cain hand pieced each of the quilts that she made. The tiny stitches and care into each masterpiece. My Granny Smith sewed clothes on her sewing machine. I use to sit and watch her sew as a child. I loved to watch her. I received my first sewing machine for Christmas as a child, it was a battery operated Singer made just for children. It was awesome. I would take it with me to my Granny's house, she taught me the basics of sewing. I can stay in a fabric store for hours. The thought of creating something that could possibly be cherished and the look on the recipient's face is priceless. I find joy in that. Now that I am older and my children aren't so dependent on me, I am able to put a little more time into the craft. I usually make abo...