
We have been "iced in" for four days. I should have been working on my blog. I am finally taking a break from laundry and reality television to do so! I am not a real fan of the month of January. I am usually broke, it is freezing, and I have lost three precious people in the month of January. I really don't want all of my post to be about death, it seems like the last couple have been, but I am paying tribute to three special people that the Lord allowed for me to have in my life and have left lasting impressions. Today is January 13th. One year ago one of my best friends past away due to pancreatic cancer. He died 7 weeks after he found out. Randy was a great father, coach, and friend. I miss hearing him chuckle. He was great. The way we lost him has had an impact on me. Now that I am in my 30's I tend to look at life and the value of it a lot more differently than I did in my 20's and teens. Randy you are in our thoughts daily! This past Sunday was January...