Living Each Day...
Life is full of chaos. Bills need to be paid, groceries bought, laundry, cleaning the house, just to do it all over again the next day, week, month, year. We get so caught up in our everyday "living" that we forget to truly live. Tonight is a striking reminder to live each day as if it was your last... My friend called me this evening. Her and her husband had just pulled up to a wreck about a mile from her house. A jeep had rolled. In the back was the son of one of Mike's friends, who happen to be a friend of Daulton's (even though he hadn't seen him in a while) he died in the crash. My friend's son plays football with him. He had just gotten picked up at his house with a friend and pulled out and a car clipped the jeep causing it to roll. Zach was the only one who did not survive. The man in the other car was arrested. Tragic does not even describe the loss. Live each day as if it were your last. I can't imaging what is going through his parents' mi...