
Showing posts from October, 2009


My oldest son is Daulton. He was born on June 18, 1995. The day he was born was Father's Day. I remember when I found out that I was pregnant with him. I was so excited. I already had a little girl and I just knew that I was going to have a boy. I had his name picked out and everything, Daulton Shane. No, I did not get Daulton from Road House (even though I love the movie and Patrick Swayze, it is spelled different anyway) You see, my husband is a sports nut, and in the 90's when the Atlanta Braves were doing so well, the Philadelphia Phillies were a rival, but I thought there catcher was just so darn good looking, Darren Daulton. I loved how his name looked on the back of his jersey: Daulton. I thought it was the perfect name for a boy. I started showing early with Daulton, I guess I just carried him differently. I got so huge. One month I gained 14 pounds!! I will never forget getting on the scales at the doctor's office for my monthly check up and the nurse looked at me...


I was looking over my blog and realized that I had shared Devyn and Addie's birthdays, but did not share the other four. Which the other four celebrate their birthdays in a two month span. From June 18th until August 24 we have four birthdays. I will share starting with June, because they are pretty much in birth orde from June to August.


When I was a child I only had a little brother. We were almost five years apart. So we really aren't that close. I wish we were. We live completley different lives. He knows almost nothing about me and I am about the same with him. It is really sad. Looking at my own children, I pray that they don't end up the way my brother and I have. I want my kids to be close, even in their adult hood and after Mike and I are gone. I can remember as a child I looked up to my cousins to. I was the oldest and I didn't have an older sibling. I just wanted to be a part of my cousin's lives. They were three sisters that were close, how I wanted to be in that circle of sisterhood. The youngest of the three was only two years older than me, that was as close to a sister that I got. When my parents moved when I was in the sixth grade I wanted to move to the school were my cousin went because I wanted to be close to her. Well, needless to say we hung out some, but we never in the six years...