Beyond Belief

This is probably the most important post that I have made so far. The Lord is working in my life, but I am still trying to let it soak in. Like ripples on still water after a pebble has been thrown. So will the affects of the events from three weeks ago. I will continue to learn truths and lessons from this. The phone rang right before 7:30 am on Sunday September 22, 2013. “Hello” , Michael, said. “Yes, sir, this is he. Okay, okay. We will be there soon. Thank you so much.” My husband runs into the bedroom where I am up to start getting ready for church. “Daulton has been in a car accident and we need to go right now, they are taking him in an ambulance to Huntsville Hospital!” Immediately I burst into tears. This is a call that every parent dreads. Daulton, was headed back to college early this particular morning. He was 3 ½ hours away. My heart was just aching. The night before he left had not been so pleasant. He had come home for the weekend to attend his former h...