This Love is Ours...

"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one's house for love, it would be utterly scorned." Song of Solomon 8:7 Today Michael and I celebrate our 21 year wedding anniversary. 21 years. Wow. How time really does fly. There is a lot to reflect on today. So much that I have learned about the awesome man that I am married to, and about myself. This will be a lengthy post, it is just a glimpse of our testimony. Some may be shocked at our beginning. What I would say to that is we serve an Awesome God. He can use anyone's life to glorify HIM. As of right now, we are trying our best to raise six children, pay a mortgage and serve our Lord. 23 years ago, our lives were so much different. So I want to be real with you. I want you to understand how far the Lord has taken us, and how much further we have to go. We are not perfect, nor claim to be. I felt the need to share because this is OUR love story. This i...