
Showing posts from April, 2009


I love Easter. Everything about it. A promise fulfilled. A victory. Jesus is Alive. I love how God shows His promise even through nature. Springtime everything blooms and comes "back to life". This Easter we didn't have an egg hunt, I was able to get the plastic eggs but I waited to late to find candy for them, and walmart was sold out. The kids did have fun dying eggs and we made Resurrection Cookies. I love Easter candy too, it is the best. I want my children to realize that Easter is not about what the Easter bunny brings or getting new clothes. Easter is about our Savior defeating death, and fulfilling His purpose, and showing His love for us. The completion of the manger scene. He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!! -pg


Having so many children, I knew that at some point my heart would be broken. Well, it happened. I am sure that it will happen again. It is not something that you can prepare for. It hits you out of the blue. God is good at healing, though. I trust Him. I also trust Him to take care of my teenage son who makes stupid decisions . Mothers of boys, you have been warned. Those sweet little faces that you kiss the cheeks of when they are little, will crush your heart. -pg

Really, Really Good

Addison is my biggest Challenge. She keeps me on my toes, and you would think that after having five before her that nothing would phase me...think again. So Devyn is driving the other day and Addie is in her carseat. I turn around and she is eating BOOGERS!! GROSS!! So I say to her "Addison, that is nasty, and gross, don't do that." She smiles and says "O.k. mom" with her sweet little voice. I proceed to tell her how gross it is. She is just looking at me. See, Addison really acts like she is 4. We don't baby talk her because she speaks in complete sentences, ask a dozen questions and talks all the time. So I look at her and say, "Well, Addie, were they good?" (dumb question) she looks at me and says "Yeah, really, really good!" I guess I learned my lesson. -pg


For several weeks now when I take Addison downstairs (we have a finished basement where there are two bedrooms, bathroom, family room, computer room, playroom, storage room and the trophy room) she keeps on pointing at the ceiling on the way down the stairs and saying " Spiderman ". Well, I was just thinking she was using her imagination, after all she is two. Until I looked up and saw the cobb webs. When my older two were small, I can remember going to the grocery store and the cashier telling me " Enjoy every moment, don't worry about the cobb webs they will still be there tomorrow. This time passes so fast." I guess you can say I haven't been worrying about the cobb webs. Yes, folks, Spidey lives in my stair well, and he will continue until they are grown. Yes I will knock them down this week, but I can't promise they will stay down. The webs of memories are more important. To see the world through the eyes of a two year old who believes Spider m...


I haven't blogged in a while, so I will be posting several entries under one day. I probably need to just give some one liners daily, since life is so hectic.